Friday, March 9, 2012

Using The White Stone

Bearing The White Stone is the best way to use it. The Revelation Of The Name transforms the entire person into uprightness of body and spirit. Thus uttering the name is the best way to use it. After your mind has been satisfied by enlightenment, you'll find ways to use the stone for the betterment of the lives of others. Bettering the lives of others is the best way to improve your own life; for a single twig is easily broken, but a bundle of sticks is not easily forced apart. Sing the names of The Lord when it is fitting and convenient. Do not sing out before men, but chant before The Lord, for He is The Father Of All and carries your reward with Him.

Krishna Vasudeva is The Supreme Personality Of Godhead, The Father & Mother Of The Universe! Simply by acknowledging Him as Hare, (King Of The Shining Ones) as Rama, (the perfect husband and warrior) and as Krishna Vasudeva; (The highest form of God, without a second) thus we attain The Highest Stage Of Life. By chanting His names, we come unto The Absolute Truth. We may find witness of him in scriptures, oracles, art or even idols; but uttering the names of Krishna is the only way to see him in the minds eye and truly come to know him as he really is. There is much debate and controversy over this issue, but Krishna Himself states in Bhagavad Gita, "only through sincere devotion may one come to know Me."

There are those called "ISKCON" who despite the teachings of Krishna, will preach exclusive means of knowing God, condemning all other paths as inferior or somehow less sacred. God is Beautiful no matter what name we call Him! God is merciful no matter what form we bow down and pay service to! It should be noted however, that Krsna is The Absolute, bringing all truth and understanding to those that call upon him. This is the greatest message in the universe; for Krsna is Lord, on every planet of every galaxy! Those who try to use Krishna should be rebuked harshly, for Krishna will punish them severely.

Those who sing the names of Krishna, trusting him and never judging will be glorified with Him. They shall be imbued with His Power and possessed of His Attributes. He alone is God The Father Of Jesus Christ, He Alone Is Yahweh and He Alone Is Allah! Sing His Names, as instructed by Jesus Christ in His Ancient Incarnation, Brahma. The Perfect Instruction, which he gave His son Narada Muni:

Kali-Saṇṭāraṇa Upaniṣad

Hari Oṃ 

At the end of Dvāpara Yuga (The Third Age), Nārada went to Brahma and addressed him thus: "O Lord, how shall I, roaming over the earth, be able to across Kali Yuga?" To which Brahma thus replied: "Well asked. Hearken to that which all Śrutis (the Vedas) keep secret and hidden, through which one may cross the Saṃsāra (mundane existence) of Kali. He shakes off (the evil effects of) Kali through the mere uttering of the name of the Lord Nārāyaṇa, who is the primeval Puruṣa".

Again Nārada asked Brahma: "What is the name?", to which Hiraṇyagarbha replied thus:

 Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare 
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare

These sixteen names (words) are destructive of the evil effects of Kali. No better means than this is to be seen in all the Vedas. These (sixteen names) destroy the Avaraṇa (or the centripetal force which produces the sense of individuality) of Jīva surrounded by the sixteen Kalas (rays). Then like the sphere of the sun which shines fully after the clouds screening it disperse, Parābrahman alone shines."

Nārada asked: ‘O Lord, what are the rules to be observed with reference to it ?", to which Brahma replied that there were no rules. Whoever in a pure or an impure state utters these always, attains the same world of, or proximity with, or the same form of, or absorption into Brahma. By uttering
this Mantra repeated thousands of times, composed of these sixteen names, one erases the murder of a Brāhmaṇa, purifies even the sin of gold, washes from cohabitation with evil women and purifies any sin against Pitris, Devas and Men. Giving up all dharmas or doctrines he is freed from all sins. He is at once released from all bondage. Being at once released from all bondage is This Upaniṣad.

Hari Oṃ Tat Sat

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